Democracy is very important, because one in government has to take the people with them; but the human spirit being individualistic such a government must strive towards libertarianism for the Nation in terms of independence from externalities and for each one of its citizens for their spiritual well-being. So the philosophy of Conservative Libertarianism is an ideology for the enforced social engineering that is against such a fundamental principle of Libertarian Democracy.
At the end of my long search in the quest for Social justice, I have come to the view point that we should leave all conservation matters to the nuances of Nature and focus on the mental health needs of the people so that they do not live stressful lives that causes mental anxieties such as paranoia, fear, depression and schizophrenia, which leads to criminal conduct because the people are not mentally straightened with the right thoughts to participate in society in a dutiful and responsible manner.
Being a Conservative Libertarian in relation to conserving Nature is none of our business for that is God's business alone; what man proposes God disposes being the adage that I as a very strong theist go by. We try our best to manage other people and Nature and only cause ourselves more mental anguish which not only disrupts our own individual lives, it brings disharmony on the rest of society. Micromanagement of Nature is not in the true libertarian spirit therefore.
I have explored all there is to be explored in human nature and am today at liberty to voice this message so that it is taken into account and the true meaning of life is realised. We humans come ahead of wider Nature in other words. It is none of our business what happens to wider Nature for human spirit being what it is will go its own way and whether or not we perish as humanity is immaterial to our own individual well being. Each person to himself, but through the democratic framework so that there is no anarchy in the State that we live in. This brings our mental well being to be at the focus of all our considerations in shaping society such that social engineering will be a natural phenomenon through the evolution of the processes of democracy.
God will do what is necessary to bring any changes to Nature that we have to adapt to through our democratic insitutions, and the coronavirus pandemic is one such event that we humans have not created as it is a natural phenomenon that is seen by me as a Self-regulatory mechanism to preserve Nature from a Spriritual Entity that we call God for want of a term. There is only so much that we can do to protect ourselves from Covid-19 and as we are fundamentally libertarians not social animals as Aristotle suggested, we have to take our own decisions on how to deal with the coronavirus pandemic individually as required for our mental peace of mind individually.
We all have our own ideas and beliefs on adverse conditions that we face from Nature, be that human nature or Nature of the Earth and its biodiversity. No one can teach any one what is right and what is wrong in how to conduct ourselves in that light. Some would prefer to listen to their chosen politicians who in turn may listent to scientists in guiding their decisions and either implementing the suggestions of the scientists or overruling them as the politicians rightly have the democratic mandate to make the final decision. They can impose restrictions on society as they see fit and we as individuals have to take account of those restrictions and do what we can to be part of society or live in seclusion in our homes isolated from the world. The pandemic has shown the limits of individual freedoms for the danger of spreading one's infection into other members of society brings into sharp focus the fact that we humans have to adjust to impositions and intrusions into our privacy in accordandance with our own convictions of what is true knowledge and what is less factual in terms of the science of the day.
Hence Libertarian democrats is busy today the 22 of October 2021 to see which direction the Founder of the Conservative Libertarian Society Movement goes from here on in.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi