When one sees after a very long period of exploration of the unwritten Constitution of the United Kingdom that the State is a Dictatorial Monarchy all systems of which are geared to marginalise freedom loving libertarians, one has to curb one's ambitions and take a back seat.
This is the conclusion that is to be drawn, as I tried but it turned out to be a futile adventure when after sequentially joining the Labour Party, then the Liberal Democrats, then United Kingdom Independence Party and finally the Conservative and Unionist Party that these could not cater for my philosophy of how the State that one still loves to live in so I developed my own brand under the Conservative Libertarian Party of the United Kingdom https://theconservativelibertarianpartyoftheunitedkingdom.com but the call went begging for takers and instead the State came down hard on me for the attempted revolution to change the Constitutional framework of the United Kingdom.
Under the circumstances of failed legal proceedings against Kent Police and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, I have retired to the bliss of solitude this evening.