Are you concerned about the safety of the Coronavirus vaccines? No one in my family is concerned. We are just happy follow the Chief Medical Officer of the United Kingdom Professor Chris Whitty's guidance as endorsed by our Prime Minister for whom we have the utmost regard that he knows what he is doing. It is me who was ignorant for feeling that the pandemic would just go away. The virus variants indicates that it is here to stay. We gave to keep on top of this virus and its variants.
Accordingly, I offer my apologies to all whom I have confused with my reticence in the past against the virus being tackled in a way that preserves human life instead of allowing natural body immunity to deal with the threat it poses to human health. I was getting carried away with my ideals on preserving Nature when the fact remains that all enemies, of good and decent people (virusus, other parasites, and humanimals pardon the expression) need to be controlled and regulated. We humans have to do it ourselves for no God is going to do it for us, much as I am a strong theist. That is the correct approach. So when 38 Degrees this morning asked me what I felt about this I have explained and also said that if it could send me something that we can all tweet and send to Facebook as members of 38 Degrees it would suit me well as I am constantly on the internet participating in society. Further I saind that I trusted Her Majesty the Queen in her words that it is incredibly selfish not to vaccinate ourselves to cover the entire population, these words should be incorporated in the video produced by 38 Degrees. We in the United Kingdom are blessed with highly knowledgeable and concerned scientists, and we have the BBC News channel that is extraordinaire in the digestion and dissemination of scientific and political information at all hours. We should all work together as a community erasing our religious conceptions and work towards a secular future from such educational facilities that are not coercive but sensitive and seek to persuade.