This afternoon after midday, I suddenly received an email from PayPal saying that I can check my transactions of recent times, and I had to because Sandra Taylor of Kent Police did not respond to the embezzlement matter involving PayPal. I first went to my personal PayPal account and did not find any unusual transactions there. I however had to delete an old Barclays Debit Card details as the preferred Account for transactions and placed my Santander Account instead in it. I then went to our Barclays Current Bank Account online and transferred £500 into the Santander Current Account to keep it active.
Then the thought came that I had made no progress in attracting interest in my 104 books uploaded in internet archive and Global Foundation in the past two years in terms of comments and other interactions to discuss my experiences. So now the time had come since all the book writing work was over to try and sell them through my Allurement of Reality shop and hopefully make some money or attract donations from those who might be interested in my books. So I went into the Shop product which had all ebooks (digital) and print books (physical) and decided that I could not be bothered to sell the physical books any more now that Lulu Publishing has not restored my Account in its website and I was too old to market these myself. So I deleted all the Physical books from the Products Section leaving only digital books for sale. In doing so I accidentally deleted the 'Dictatorial Monarch in the United Kingdom' digital book and had to upload it again so that it is at the head of the Products on display. I upgraded my Allurement of Reality webiste to Premium paying some £400 for a 3 year deal as this was necessary for the sales to take place through the website.
I then deleted the Blogpost in Global Foundation where all the 104 books had been uploaded for people to read and dowload to facilitate the sales. LIkewise I deleted all the books uploaded in Panigrahi491 in intenet archive as I did not wish to go down as a person who was leaving a legacy behind for people to admire or whatever. I also made the appropriate adjustments to the Blogposts in 'Shantanu Panigrahi Wix website to remove all the uploaded links of the books in internet archive and the book that I had uploaded Summarised Coniderations' in Nothingness, Illusion, Maya entry.
So I was up and running, no one can see the 104 books unless they purchase a copy from 'Allurement of Reality Shop' .
There was one final bit of work that I did. I sent an email to the British Library and the Scottish Library people who had enquired about my books that Luly had marketed: as follows:
The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited deposits
from: Shantanu Panigrahi <>
to: Legal-Deposit-Books <>
cc: Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries <>
date: 9 Mar 2023, 14:41
subject: The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited deposits
Dear Sir
My 104 eBooks are now finalised ready for uploading on to your website, but when I logged in I got the following message:
Sorry, this site hasn't been shared with you.
Please rectify this issue.
This also applies to the Scottish libraries who contacted me last week so I am copying them this email for advice.
Thank you
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
Director, The Conservative Libertarian Publications Limited
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
United Kingdom
Tel: 07967789619
No replies came:
Facebook had sent me afterwards a notification of a memory, posted by me on 9 March 2020 where I wrote: Global Warming from increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is not an issue in environmentally sustainable development' I took no action as I had made up my mind to develop my Wix websites from now onwards and abandon Facebook and Twitter altogether. There was also no point in debating with anyone as it gets noone anywhere with arguments: I know what is sustainable development: demand across the board fuelled by capitalism through shareholders, population explosion, more roads, houses, urbanisation; decreased land, water, wildlife in oceans and land, soil erosion, pollution, etc. Limit demand in other words and live a holistic life.
I therefore decided to freeze all involvements and interactions unless they are through my websites in open discussions.
At 16.15 Team Shippo email came 'Solving Fulfillment Challenges Webinar'.
At 16.52 Linkedin Yamila Cozaux wants to connect email came.
At 17.06 HP Online Store email came
At 17.06 Yamila Cazaux Specialist in Reducing Tax Liability' email came via LinkedIn.
I deleted all emails in gmail and yahoo accounts, including the Sent folders. I have printed out the email sent to British Library and have prepared a paper dossier for the Court if there are proceedings that go to a Hearing, wherever.