I will not be restricted no matter what the provocation, from progressing my mission of developing knowledge for world conservation beginning with the state of the United Kingdom. All detractors will be exposed and all good work that I see as contributing to a better country and by extension the world will be discussed openly in my websites as the above links show.
Today is a Sunday and it is clear that there is no single authority in the United Kingdom's unwritten Constitution: a khejegri Constitution but it has its strengths if people educate themselves on how it works and take advantages of the opportunities it provides for entrepreneurship and exploitation to secure a better future for one's family above all.
Progress can only be made on a daily basis if one continually clears the debris from one's path so that the mind is clear and unattached making truth come to the fore in awareness. One gets to be nonchalant, spontaneous and unpremeditated in what one does because adhering to truth is a virtue.