Gillingham and Rainham Conservatives
Shantanu Panigrahi,
Thu, 6 Jun at 22:01
I recently rejoined the Conservative and Unionist Party as attached: FrConservativeParty(Thank you for joiningMembershipNumber)27May2024; but have yet to receive any communications from the Local Association about the formalities of fulfilling my role as a member to see that Rehman Chishti gets re-elected.
If I am not needed for canvassing or dropping leaflets through letter boxes or any other duties in the High Street, I will understand that you have sufficient volunteers already.
On another matter, I know that there are no Members of Parliament right now for having Constituency surgeries but I do have an important matter that you could look into if it is appropriate as attached: ToMsAnnaTarrant(SELD(Love_Complicit with dastardly State crimes on Me)6Jun2024.docx.
Kindly let me know when I can visit your office.
Yours sincerely
Dr Shantanu Panigrahi
3 Hoath Lane
Kent ME8 0SL
Tel: 07967789619
Download all attachments as a zip file
FrConservativeParty(Thank you for joiningMembershipNumber)27May2024.docx
ToMsAnnaTarrantSELD(Love_Complicit with Dastardly State Crimes on Me)6Jun2024.docx